Birds Control Services

Bird control is the generic name for methods to eliminate or deter pest birds from landing, roosting and nesting.

Bird control is important because pest birds can create health-related problems through their feces, including histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis. Bird droppings may also cause damage to property and equipment. Birds also frequently steal from crops and fruit orchards.


Methods of bird control include physical deterrents, visual deterrents, sonic devices, trained birds of prey (falconry),[1]chemicals, contraceptives and active barriers, among others. Birds usually adapt quickly to most static bird control devices because the birds adapt after exposure to false threats. The avian control devices that are most effective either physically "block" the birds or "actively modify behavior" using a mild harmless shock.



Contact Information

Phone:  00966583481888


Head office ,Dammam, Saudi Arabia
